Bath Bombs

Today we'll learn on how to make bath bombs

1. Citric Acid
2. A plastic ball which can be opened and closed and which would act as a mould
3. Water
4. Baking soda
5. Essence oil
6. Food coloring

1. Take a sieve and mix the baking soda and citric acid in the ratio of 2:1 respectively
2. Add the essence oil and food coloring after mixing the dry ingredients thoroughly
3. Using some water like a few sprays mix the ingredients thoroughly until it can be moulded together
4. Fill the mixture into the moulding ball tightly and close it
5. Open the ball slowly and let it dry for some days
6.  When you put this in water it will send bubbles and a scent

It happens due to the reaction between citric acid and the baking soda in the presence of water sending carbon dioxide gas CO2 in the form of bubbles.


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